for Film Widths up to 4000 mm
Due to the specific characteristics of the processed polymers and the wide range of dimensions of the film and sheets, there is a need in extensive possibilities to design each die to the requirements.
We offer to our customers outstanding designed manifolds of the Extrusion Dies tailored to the respective materials. For optimal melt distribution the coat-hanger manifold and the melt flow are simulated in great detail with the rear of the manifold flow channel in a rounded shape.
Feedblocks are used for Coextrusion. They enable complex applications of up to 7 layers. The esde Feedblocks are equipped with fine adjusters to vary each layer in operation mode. All flow channels are individually supplied and purged with fresh melt. Exchangeable selector plugs allow different layer structures.
For particularly demanding coextruded film and sheets we offer Multi-channel Dies.